
Endue is an EHR software designed to streamline patient intake, prescriber ordering, infusion charting and inventory management at infusion centers. It raised $3,000,000 in a seed round.

Reading Assistant

Developed a mobile application based on the open-source e-reader Readium to enhance the reading experience with ChatGPT. The backend proxy routes requests from the frontend to ChatGPT.


Culpa is Columbia University’s student-run anonymous professor and course review site with more than 10,000 users per month.

Automated detection of breast cancer metastases

Trained Keras Inception V3 image classification model to detect breast cancer metastases in a lymph node section image.

Image stitching

Used SIFT to detect matching features across images and computed homographies to stitch the images.

Motion tracking

Used color histograms weighted with the Epanechnikov kernel to track the motion of an object with contant size.